Relationships – when things get tough

There’s no doubt about it – relationships can get tough. Whilst they can spark some of the most exciting emotions, they can also inevitably spark some of the more challenging ones as well. When emotions of frustration, hurt and anger arise so too can words and actions that we later regret. There’s a reason for this. In this moment as these emotions intensify the more reptilian, emotional part of our brain is beginning to fire more and more strongly. If we remain in the situation, this part of our brain can end up taking over and it’s as though the high-functioning, empathetic, rational part of our brain essentially switches off (commonly referred to it by psychiatrist, Dr Dan Siegel, as ‘flipping your lid’).  If we remain in the situation with this reptilian, emotional part of our brain doing most of the work it can be damaging to the relationship and connection with our partner.

For a tool to help manage these intense emotions when they arise in our relationships, watch the video below.

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