Early Childhood Emotional and Behavioural Screening: Essential Support for Your Child’s Development

Blog HeaderEarly childhood is a crucial period in a child’s emotional and behavioural development, laying the foundation for future learning, behaviour, and health. Emotional and behavioural issues that emerge during this time can have a profound impact on a child’s overall development. Early intervention is essential because it can significantly influence a child’s long-term outcomes. Identifying and addressing these issues early can help mitigate their effects, promoting healthier development and better emotional and behavioural regulation.

Navigating the Challenges as Parents

As parents, noticing challenges in your child’s emotional or behavioural wellbeing can be overwhelming. It is not uncommon to feel a mix of emotions—from concern and confusion to fear and uncertainty. These feelings are often compounded when educators or teachers report issues, adding another layer of stress. Parents naturally want the best for their children and can feel lost about where to begin in seeking the appropriate support. The journey to finding the right resources and interventions can be daunting, making it essential to have accessible and reliable support systems.

Mind Potential Psychology: Supporting Your Child’s Wellbeing

At Mind Potential Psychology, we understand the emotional toll and confusion that can come with these concerns. Our commitment to children’s wellbeing drives us to provide comprehensive support to both the children and their families. To help ease the burden on parents and provide early intervention, we are excited to introduce our new Early Childhood Behavioural and Emotional Screening service.

This service is designed to assist in the early identification of potential behavioural, social, and emotional issues, ensuring that children receive the support they need as early as possible. Our screening process is thorough and tailored, focusing on key areas such as inattention, hyperactivity, defiant or aggressive behaviours, anxiety, mood, and physical symptoms. Additionally, it assesses major developmental milestones including adaptive skills, communication, motor skills, play, and cognitive abilities.

How Our Screening Service Works

1. Screening: Parents and/or childcare educators/teachers complete a detailed assessment.
2. Interpretation: A trained psychologist interprets the results.
3. Recommendations: We provide individualised treatment recommendations based on the assessment findings.
4. Consultation: A 15-minute phone consultation with a psychologist is scheduled to discuss the results and recommendations.
5. Summary: A written summary of the treatment recommendations is provided to ensure clear and actionable steps.

Our service is not only comprehensive but also affordable, aiming to make early intervention accessible to more families. For just $60, parents can initiate a crucial step towards understanding and supporting their child’s emotional and behavioural health.

Get Started Today

To Register for our screening assessment, please CLICK HERE.

If you have concerns about your child’s behaviour or emotional wellbeing, don’t hesitate to reach out. Early intervention can make a significant difference in your child’s development.

Phone: 5437 7100
Email: admin@mppsych.com.au

At Mind Potential Psychology, we are passionate about minimising the overwhelm felt by parents and committed to fostering the wellbeing of every child. Let us help you take the first step towards a brighter future for your child.