Finding Rest: Understanding and Treating Sleep Problems with Evidence-Based Approaches

Finding Rest Blog


Sleep is as essential to our health as eating, drinking, and breathing, and plays a vital role in maintaining our mental and physical health. Despite its importance, many of us struggle with sleep issues that can significantly impact our daily lives and overall wellbeing.

Why is Sleep So Important?

Quality sleep helps to repair our bodies, improve our mood, and sharpen our judgment and cognitive function. When we sleep, our brain is busy processing the information from the day, making memories and links. Without adequate sleep, we can’t perform, remember, or learn as well.

Common Causes of Sleep Problems

Sleep problems can arise from a variety of sources. Stress, lifestyle choices, medical conditions, and even our sleep environment can play significant roles in disrupting sleep. Anxiety about sleep itself often exacerbates these issues, leading to a frustrating cycle of sleepless nights and weary days.

There is Hope: Effective Treatments for Insomnia

Fortunately, there is hope for those struggling with sleep issues. Evidence-based treatments like Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I) have been shown to be highly effective. CBT-I addresses the thoughts and behaviours that prevent you from sleeping well. It involves regular, often weekly, sessions where you learn about different strategies like stimulus control therapy and sleep restriction therapy—techniques that help you fall asleep faster and enjoy a more restful night.

How Mind Potential Psychology Can Help

At Mind Potential Psychology, we understand the impact of sleep difficulties on mental health. That’s why we have trained clinicians who specialise in CBT-I, offering both one-on-one and group sessions tailored to meet your individual needs and preferences. Our approach not only aims to improve your sleep but also enhances your overall health and quality of life.

Improving your sleep can start today. With the right support and treatment, overcoming insomnia isn’t just a dream—it’s a reachable goal.

If you would like to enquire about 1:1 CBT-I sessions, please contact us on 5437 7100 or

To register your interest in our CBT-I group programs (run regularly throughout the year), CLICK HERE.