Mindful-Intuitive Eating

So most of us have heard of this Mindfulness thing by now am I right? But what about Mindful-Intuitive Eating? It may sound familiar but you might be wondering what on earth it is and how you do it. First of all let’s look at why you need to be doing it…

Not eating mindfully:

  1.  Has been linked to dieting/restrained eating and disordered eating
  2.  Can lead us to craving certain foods more as we have not listened to what our body actually needs
  3.  Can affect ghrelin and leptin hormones, meaning we can become less sensitive to our biological hunger/fullness cues

Eating mindfully:

  1.  Helps our ghrelin and leptin hormones return to normal
  2.  Helps us to notice the impact that food can have on our body and mood
  3.  Prevents us from putting foods into “good” and “bad” categories which is often linked to disordered eating. When we start using our 5 senses we are less likely to have this type of dichotomous thinking

So if your curiosity has been sparked and you want to know more, check out the video below for 3 tips on eating mindfully.

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Summary of the 3 tips:

  1.  Give yourself the freedom to eat all foods
  2.  Be present when you eat
  3.  Listen to your body’s hunger and fullness cues

– Didi Cragg & Danielle McCarthy