Getting Through Those Crazy Busy Times

Some times life throws us a million curve balls all at once. When this happens, our stress levels rise and life can feel overwhelming. This can have many negative effects, including on our:

  • health and wellbeing
  • relationships
  • productivity

There’s no denying these times can be incredibly challenging. However, that doesn’t mean we should just roll over and do nothing about it. There are some steps you can take to help get through these busy periods as effectively as possible and minimise the negative effects.

Having just been through a really busy few weeks (including having my 2nd child and moving office locations) I had to start practicing what I preach. As such, I thought it might be useful to let you know the top 3 things I did to get through my crazy busy time. Check out my video below.

– Dr Danielle McCarthy (Clinical Psychologist)

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