
De-Stress Your Life Challenge – Week 3: Mindful Walking

By: Danielle McCarthy

In this second video for Week 3 of our De-Stress Your Life Challenge I cover an additional exercise to assist with managing stress: Mindful Walking. Going for a walk can be a great way to relieve stress and physical tension. In this video I discuss how to make your walk a mindful one. This can


De-Stress Your Life Challenge – Week 3: Mindfulness of Thoughts

By: Danielle McCarthy

Welcome to Week 3 of our De-Stress Your Life Challenge. Last week we covered how to build awareness of sensations of stress in your body. We covered 2 new strategies: ✅ Body scan meditation ✅ A-N-D exercise This week we’re going to focus in on thoughts that might be driving your stress. I will discuss how


De-Stress Your Life Challenge – Week 2 Additional Strategies

By: Danielle McCarthy

In this second video for Week 2 of our De-Stress Your Life Challenge I cover an additional exercise to use when you become stressed: the A-N-D exercise. This exercise is to assist you in moments of stress. By naming sensations in your body it will help tame the intensity of them and give you some


De-Stress Your Life Challenge – Uncomfortable Feelings

By: Danielle McCarthy

Welcome to Week 2 of our De-Stress Your Life Challenge. Last week we covered how to reduce the physical symptoms of stress with deep breathing. We then delved into Mindfulness and how it can assist with building awareness of your stress, as well as how it can assist to reduce the symptoms of stress. We


De-Stress Your Life Challenge – How to Manage Stressful Thoughts

By: Danielle McCarthy

Now that we have covered how to manage the physical symptoms of stress (i.e. with belly breathing), it is time to move on to managing thoughts that might be driving your stress. In the video below I cover how Mindfulness can assist with building awareness of stressful thoughts, as well as how it can help


De-Stress Your Life Challenge Strategy #1: Deep Breathing

By: Danielle McCarthy

The first strategy for our De-Stress Your Life Challenge is belly breathing. Breathing from your belly is an effective way to keep you out of the flight or fight response and calm the physical symptoms of stress down. If you haven’t already, check out the video below where I walk you through how to breath


De-Stress Your Life Challenge – The Stress Response In Your Brain & Body

By: Danielle McCarthy

On Monday I kick started the De-Stress Your Life Challenge with a bit of education. In the video below I discuss the stress response in the brain and body. The reason I start with this is because when you understand what’s going on inside of you it makes it a lot easier to build awareness


De-Stress Your Life Challenge – What are your stress triggers and warning signs?

By: Danielle McCarthy

? De-Stress Your Life Challenge ? This time of year can be stressful for many people. We’ve just come out the other side of Christmas and New Year. While this time of year can be festive it can also be highly stressful. It is common to experience: ? Increased financial strain ? Pressure from family


Phobias – What are they and when might you need to seek treatment?

By: Danielle McCarthy

Anxiety is a normal human emotion. We all experience it at some point in time. At certain times it can even be beneficial and allow us to perform at our peak. But when does it become detrimental to our health and wellbeing? In this video, I chat with psychologist, Maddie Stoddart, about what phobias are


Mental Health Care Plans, Referrals & The New Year – Let’s try and make it a little less confusing!

By: Danielle McCarthy

Often there is confusion in the new calendar year about the requirements under Medicare for managing clients on a GP Mental Health Treatment Plan (MHTP). We frequently receive queries around this time of year about whether the GP needs to prepare a new MHTP or provide a new referral when an existing client is going